Professional Experiences
- Providing significant support and direction for the R&D activities of the Imaging Physics Group and within the Trust, translating research and innovation to the clinical environment
- Assisting the development of clinical MRI services, optimising MRI protocols, assisting the procurement, evaluation, and planning of new MRI installations
- Performing MRI quality assurance procedures, supporting the Trust Lead MR Safety Expert in providing advice and training for healthcare professionals
- Gained skills in advanced diffusion MRI techniques, data acquisition for axon caliber and myelin estimation, and application of machine learning techniques
- Met colleagues from the Schools of Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics, and Psychology to discuss collaboration opportunities for grants and fellowships
- Participated in group discussion on research abstracts, attended the British and Irish Chapter of the ISMRM annual meeting to learn about the latest research activities
- Collected,processed,andanalysedMRIdataatSouthamptonGeneralHospital,andsupervised undergraduate and postgraduate students on research activities
- Tooktheleadonmanagementofstudy-specificsoftwareandresearchdataacrosstheUniversity and Hospital
- Wrote and submitted grants for research funding, prepared research data for publications, and submitted abstracts to international conferences
- Operated 3T GE MRI scanner to collect neuroimaging data, and trained junior graduate students to become primary operators
- Processed and analysed data collected by Purdue Neurotrauma Group, performed neuroimag- ing database maintenance, and supervised research work of junior graduate students
- Prepared research data for publication and grant proposal, and submitted abstracts for international conferences to present the findings for community
- Performed neuroimaging database maintenance and data analysis of different substance using populations at San Francisco VA Medical Center
- Prepared research data for publications; wrote and published peer-reviewed manuscripts
- Tested, troubleshooted, and streamlined pipelines for image processing and analysis
- Bullet Point
- Learned neuroimaging data processing, statistical analysis, and machine learning techniques at San Francisco VA Medical Center
- Familiarized with in-house image processing pipelines, FSL toolbox, and R statistics software
- Investigatedmicrostructuralintegrityofbrainwhitematterwithintreatment-seekingalcoholics through retrospective analysis of diffusion and structural MRI datasets
- Collaborated on research projects in molecular neurosciences and biomedical engineering
- Trained undergraduate students and summer interns
- Performed laboratory maintenance and management
- Engaged in research at a molecular and cell biology laboratory under Summer Undergraduates Research Fellowship (SURF)
- Learned culturing Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell for research work
- Evaluated the effects of ginsenosides on cytotoxicity and cell migration
A full list of my publications may be accessed as a PDF file.
Scientific Reports (2021), 11: 6440
Chapter 21 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11791: Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Neurocognitive Prediction, Kilian M. Pohl, Wesley K. Thompson, Ehsan Adeli, Marius George Linguraru, eds., Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2019
Neuroimage: Clinical (1961), 24: 101930
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (2018), 281: 92-100
Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2017), 175: 42-50
Scientific Reports (2014), 4: 7074
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2014), 450: 685-691